I stretch it, paint it, fold it, going to the limits of its strength, fragility and transparency.
It often leaves me in desperation because of its fragility.
It leaves me breathless with the feeling of happiness to see its fragile intensity.


some inspirations

Dreaming of spring..or just wanting to make pictures,
while everything outside is grey and misty and cold...? 

I tried to capture the soft silken texture of the petals..
a soft shine I could wish as a porcelain glaze...
Usually I put my pictures here or here
but it is nice to mix everything up sometimes

I'm always curious to see new results,
new possibilities; and then, 

sometimes unexpectedly, 
patterns emerge!


corsi di ceramica in Faenza

I'm happy to put here the links sent to me by the very talented and sweet Antonella Cimattabout the new courses that her art institute in Faenza, is starting this year:

L'istituto d'arte "Ballardini " di Faenza riapre i corsi di Perfezionamento ARTE E TECNICHE DELLA CERAMICA

this is a detail of a porcelain and leds installation
by Antonella Cimatti