I lavori in porcellana di Margrieta Jeltema conducono questo materiale a superare definitivamente i suoi limiti. I soggetti nascono sulla base di modelli di carta, da cui si distanziano sempre più per diventare qualcosa di unico. Possono essere ciotole, ma anche fiori o una semplice mano. Le forme si intrecciano con significati e associazioni, le quali nascono in modo del tutto individuale da parte dell’osservatore - proprio dopo che lo stupore per la tenerezza venga sostituito dalla gioia della scoperta. Così sformata, sgualcita, sfrangiata la porcellana nega sé stessa. Simula flessibilità e morbidezza - e solo quando la si tocca questa illusione scompare. L’inganno dei sensi trova qui il suo apice, poetico ed ispiratore.
I stretch it, paint it, fold it, going to the limits of its strength, fragility and transparency.
It often leaves me in desperation because of its fragility.
It often leaves me in desperation because of its fragility.
It leaves me breathless with the feeling of happiness to see its fragile intensity.
song of loneliness

selected for the Gold Coast International Ceramic Award 2010

Argillà 2010
I'm happy and proud to have one of my pictures (where a beautiful girl lingers absorbed at my stand at Argillà 2008) on the homepage of Argillà 2010. I'm also happy and proud to be partecipating once more; in september this year.

un Omaggio a Deruta
Detail from a bowl created as an homage to the great ceramic history of the city of Deruta. A Peacock Feather motive on a Deruta bowl from the sixteenth century (inspired by Persian designs) is proposed as paper-like porcelain.
The exhibition "un Omaggio a Deruta" will be at the "Centro d’Arte e Cultura Torre Strozzi", an ancient medieval structure from the thirteenth century in Parlesca, small village near Perugia (Italy).
From 9 May until 9 June 2010.

about my work
Schnuppe Von Gwinner wrote about my work:
Margrieta Jeltema's Werke aus Porzellan führen das Material definitiv an seine Grenzen. Die Objekte entstehen in Anlehnung an Papiermodelle, von denen sie sie sich immer mehr entfernen um etwas ganz Eigenes zu werden. Sie können Schalen sein, aber auch Blüten oder eine hohle Hand. Formen verweben sich mit Bedeutungen und Assoziationen, die ganz individuell beim Betrachter entstehen - gleich nachdem das Erstaunen über die Zartheit von wahrer Entdeckerfreude abgelöst wird. So ausgebeult, zerknittert, ausgefranst leugnet sich das Porzellan. Es täuscht Flexibilität und Weichheit vor - erst wenn man es berührt verschwindet diese Illusion. Das Vexierspiel findet hier seinen Höhepunkt, poetisch und inpirierend.

Grimmerhus Museum Denmark

"Paperficial" exhibition in Hamburg
this and more can been seen at the
"Paperficial" exhibition in Hamburg
craft2eu Gallery
From 10. March to 08. May 2010
Mon to Fr 12am-7pm, Sat 11am-4pm
Mon to Fr 12am-7pm, Sat 11am-4pm

pinched bowls
Bowls made from stoneware.
As I often use stoneware to make the forms in wich I fire my larger porcelain bowls, that would slump otherwise, sometimes I like to transform it into forms that stand on their own...; like these three bowls. They have a paperlike pattern on the outside and a velvet light-turquoise glaze within.h. 5 cm. - 17 cm.

some inspirations
Dreaming of spring..or just wanting to make pictures,
while everything outside is grey and misty and cold...?
I tried to capture the soft silken texture of the petals..
a soft shine I could wish as a porcelain glaze...
Usually I put my pictures here or here,
but it is nice to mix everything up sometimes
I'm always curious to see new results,
new possibilities; and then,
sometimes unexpectedly,
patterns emerge!

corsi di ceramica in Faenza
I'm happy to put here the links sent to me by the very talented and sweet Antonella Cimatti about the new courses that her art institute in Faenza, is starting this year:
L'istituto d'arte "Ballardini " di Faenza riapre i corsi di Perfezionamento ARTE E TECNICHE DELLA CERAMICA

frozen landscape with wishes for a New Year

sealed wishes...;
sealed by heath.., by cold..., by longing.., by hope...
porcelain, pigments, glaze 1280°C

sparkling wishes

folded love letters or waterlilies?

'lanterns'; a necklace..or 'just' lanterns?

As there is now, since some time, also a site
where my ceramic work is shown, this blog is
quietly changing ; a place to post not only my
ceramic works, but something more of my
world; my inspirations and daily found
poetry; like these images of the most exquisite
little lanterns I found in my garden...

L'Alcora & Aveiro

I promised you a Rose Garden, Folded Love Letters
and Tokens of Love to be seen in L'Alcora and in Aveiro
(the exhibition in L'Alcora is prolonged until 11 october)

a happy story with a sad ending....

the story of the found and lost (destroyed!) necklace...
something different; there is n't any porcelain ....!


Summer Treasures

cushion brooch
Without my kiln, for a while, finally I mounted some of the smaller pieces, that I keep 'collecting'; my trials and errors and my color- and form tests, these test pieces somehow manage to start a life of their own as jewelery pieces or sometimes as little animals. Maybe because I find it really difficult to throw anything away.. (one never knows if they could turn into something...) and because these small scale trials inspire and keep me going... If they turn out interesting, I try to find out other possibilities. The cushions brooches I have been making for a while, have three layers of thin porcelain, the bottom layers are closed, so in baking they 'rise' nicely!. (I just made an appletart for Sanne's birthday, so this phrase is in style..) and the third layer has holes for the 'pins' and pearls and the stitching.


older events
Honorable mention 5th World Ceramic Biennale 2009 (CEBIKO), Korea
Biennial of Manises 2009 (Spain)
Biennial of Aveiro 2009 (Portugal)
L'Alcora 2009 (Spain)
"Folded Love Letters series" 2ndpremium CERCO 2008 (Zaragoza, Spain)
L'Alcora 2008, Spain
Biennale de L'Esplugues 2008, Spain
Gold Coast Award 2008, Australia
Argillà 2008 Fair (Faenza)
Fiera della Ceramica 2008 (Firenze)
(Publication Lark Books “500 ceramic sculptures” (spring 2009)

Museu de Cerâmica de Aveiro

"Tokens of Love" (a triptych)
will be in the Museu de Aveiro (Portugal)
from 3 October until 15 November 2009

Museu de Ceràmica de l'Alcora

“I Promised You a Rose Garden”,
is exhibited from 9 July until 6 September 2009
in the Museu de Ceràmica de l'Alcora,

ribbed 'paper' cup and saucer

waterlily; white with red, blue and bronze

in the shade of the trees
it is summer and terribly warm and it didn't seem a good idea
to heat the kiln..... but these days I had to....
so it was better to leave my atelier alone
and to stay under the shady trees..

I promised you a Rose Garden

"I promised you a rose garden"
selected for L'Alcora 2009 (Spain)
"...I never promised you a rose garden, along with the sunshine,
there's gotta be a little rain sometimes...", says the song..
But what if I dìd promise you a Rose Garden...??
Maybe with a little love and fantasy my fragile roses will be
strong enough to create all on their own a beautiful garden with
all the fragrances of spring and summer ...
(and of autumn and winter too..!)

Korea & Westerwald
Etichette: foto ceramica
Cebiko 2009,
Exhibition 2009,
Folded Love letters,

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